In addition, keeping clean-up Volunteers well fed was an important job for which our kitchen staff were up to the challenge. So, an extra special thank you to Hammer and Jane Gurganus for keeping everyone fattened up!
Big thanks to everyone who volunteered their time to help make the 25th season our best yet!
Hammer and Jane preparing one of many tasty meals.
Jim Houk and Bill Boudman from PATH "supervise" while Bob Reid works to repair a kitchen door.
A finished trail from the numbered pods to the bathhouse courtesy of MRATC member Harvey Prendeville.
Former Konnarock Camp Coordinator Janet Gibbons puts a new coat of paint on a kitchen door.
Again, a big thanks to all that came out to support this great program. Hope to see everyone again real soon!
KerryAs many of you old timers know, Konnarock is home of some fun-loving people. More specifically, our Trail Crew Staff are especially adept at making us laugh and at the same time getting some serious trail work done. I'm happy we'll have some great staff returning as well as some great new staff for another great year...
Our returning staff: