Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 10, Crew-a-lishous....

At least his teeth are clean....(aka "I want some Dairy Queen please!")


Cutting a watermellon Konnarock style (actually we'd use a pulaski or chainsaw instead of a machette).

Kent wants it on-the-level.

Frank! Where are you Frank?

It's summer, you must grill!

Crush and Fill!

Crew #2 at Overmountain Shelter.

I'm not sure how it happened, but it probably origionated with a certian Volunteer or Volunteer(s) from Nashville that came to name everyone on Crew #1 something with XXXX-a-lishous. Unfortunatley I don't remember a single name (you'll have to ask Christine for a couple).

Anyway, both crews had good weeks with Crew #1 working on the New River Relocation and enjoying the great campsite (complete with bear) and an easy hike to the worksite (150'). Crew #2 enjoyed their last week (of three) at Roan Mountain and as you can see by the picture, it was pretty foggy on some mornings.

We've got two weeks left for the season with August coming quick!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 9

Crew leaders start to get loopy late in the season.

Cribbing good enough to put a baby in (I mean the Trail)!

Leah works, Dwight supervises....

Cushy PATH-style camping

Trail rehab on Matt's Creek

Someone's first pancake (you know who you are!).

Ted and Dave cutting at Matt's Creek.

What would a trip to Matt's Creek be without a dinosaur picture?

Sorry about the late post as we've been pretty busy! Week #9 has come and gone and we're already onto week #10! Crews enjoyed slightly drier conditions during week #9 but with the dry came the hot! This week is shaping up to be better temps-wise as today has been dry and in the mid to upper 70's; perfect for sidehillin' (which is what both crews are working on this week). For me, I'm headed out to meet Christine's crew for the night and a little work tomorrow!

See ya!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 8, gRoaning on and Dam Camping...

Crew #2 at Overmountain Shelter.

Blurrrrrry work.

Father and Son.

Work to be proud of.

Smoke on the water (really it's fog but smoke sounds cooler).

Dam comfortable camping.


Smiles in the rain.
Another great week on the Trail has come to a close. While Crew #1 enjoyed some Dam fine camping at Fontana Dam (including seduction of a campground trashcan (really long, but intersting story), Crew #2 enjoyed another fine week on Roan Mountain.
We've got four weeks left this season and there are still spots left on most remaining crews so if you haven't been out this season or are contemplating coming back, we'd love to see you!
Until next week,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lucky Number Seven

Volunteers place a log step on S. Yellow Creek Gap

This is what happens when you give Volunteers some free time...

Enjoying the whole dam view....(I couldn't resist).

A "Limberjack" used during Saturdays blluegrass music.

Adam really wants to be part of the Trail community.

Under the pavilion at Sherando Lake, Crew #2 eats well courtesy of the Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club.

Crew #2 stands atop the Tye River Bridge on the way out for the day (Konnarock built this bridge in the mid 90's).

I'd like to know how they convinced Rex to get in...

Volunteers build new trail while Ted looks on (don't we look professional with the new helmets?)

With a well rested staff, crews headed out for the second half of our 26th season.

Christine, Dannon and a crew of eight started their first week of the S. Yellow Creek Gap Rehabilitation just south of the Fontana Dam (largest dam east of the Mississippi River) in North Carolina. After a long climb uphill to the worksite, Volunteers worked on heavily eroded sections of trail with the Smoky Mountains Hiking Club.

Meanwhile, Ted, Adam and a crew of eight headed north to restart work (this project was last worked on in 2005) on the Tye River Relocation. Volunteers worked hard building new trail along with the Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club and then headed back to their “luxurious” accommodations at Sherando Lake where they enjoyed bluegrass music and a showing of “Alvin & the Chipmunks” as part of July 4th festivities.

This week, Christine heads back to S. Yellow Creek Gap and Ted heads back to Roan Mtn!



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Some Numbers...

Here are some numbers from what the crew has accomplished thus far

Volunteer Numbers: Crew Volunteers: 135 Crew Hours: 5208

Work Accomplished:
Rock Steps: 127
Rock Waterbars: 12
Rock Crib: 630 ft3
Junk Crib: 27 ft3
Log Steps: 120
Log Waterbars: 33
Log Crib: 206 ft3
Sidehill Trail: 3966 ft.
Tread Def: 695 ft.
Crush & Fill: 2026 ft3
Step Stones: 8
Drainage Ditch: 27 ft.
Grade Dip: 29
Scree: 780 ft3
Culvert: 5 ft2

Other: Deconstructed Davis Path Shelter, moved logs

Wow! That's a lot of work so far. Let's do it again! Week #7 starts Thursday and we're ready to get going!

See you then,
