Is the stake you're using to hold up cribbing a little weak? Well no problem, just use a former Konnarock Camp Coordinator as a "steak support;" just give it a little tap and it will be just fine…..
I really have no idea what's going on here but Janet might want to put a helmet on....
OK, seriously though, while moving a massive amount of rock on the Brown Mtn Creek project, Crew 2 had some technical difficulties with their griphoist. What to do with this massive rock we need to move you say? Well, how about the ole' log roll maneuver? That works…..
We're off to Cheoah Bald and Unaka Mtn for Week #10!
Another great job at Poor Valley by the Konnarock crew led by Ted Wilson. We were able to complete the relo and also sidehill a lot of the trail leading into Lynn Camp. While work was being done here members of Path opened the balds on Chestnut Ridge and made 3 overlooks. We at Path apprecciate the hard work on Konnarock!!-john boy